Tech honors football, volleyball teams in banner raising ceremony
By Angie Padden
It was a great night to be an Oredigger. Besides having a couple fantastic games with extremely rowdy crowds, the football and volleyball teams were being congratulated for their successful 2016 seasons. Having this celebration during the halftime of the boys’ basketball game made for a crowd that was large enough to fill almost the entire gym. This exciting crowd made it easy for the Lady Oredigger basketball team to get pumped and trample over their opponent, the Rocky Mountain College Battlin’ Bears, on January 28. The boys’ basketball team put up a valiant effort against Rocky, but failed in beating them in the end.
It was a great night to be an Oredigger. Besides having a couple fantastic games with extremely rowdy crowds, the football and volleyball teams were being congratulated for their successful 2016 seasons. Having this celebration during the halftime of the boys’ basketball game made for a crowd that was large enough to fill almost the entire gym. This exciting crowd made it easy for the Lady Oredigger basketball team to get pumped and trample over their opponent, the Rocky Mountain College Battlin’ Bears, on January 28. The boys’ basketball team put up a valiant effort against Rocky, but failed in beating them in the end.
During the halftime of the second game, the football team and volleyball team gathered at center court to watch their banners be revealed in the gym. The football team went first, and their new flag was hung next to their old won they earned. The football team started the season losing a tight game against Carroll, and only went up from there. The Orediggers kept a win streak going into playoffs, won their first game of the playoffs, but unfortunately were overcome with injury and did not advance past the second game of the playoffs. Although the Diggers may have not have had the season they had dreamed of, they were conference champions, and sure made all of us fans proud. The banner raised for them in the gym commemorates their accomplishments as conference champions, and hangs as a remembrance for the generations of Orediggers to come.
The flag raised for the volleyball team was in honor of their success in the end of their season, making it to the round of 16 in the NAIA national tournament. This achievement was quite the feat, considering the Frontier Conference was evenly stacked all around, and that the Lady Orediggers did not start the season as strong as they could have. The volleyball team had to battle hard throughout the season to get where they ended up. Their 4 fantastic seniors—Bailie Cortner, Kenzie Bauck, Angie Pancost and Jordan Danz—were sure one of the reasons the team had tremendous success. The banner that now hangs in the gym makes for a great way for future Lady Orediggers to be inspired and hopeful for their future seasons.
So next time you walk through the doors of the Montana Tech gymnasium, look up once you sit in the crowd, and see the two new banners that hang above you. These banners hang along with many others, showing how a school like Montana Tech can be successful in something other than creating the best students and contributors to society around.
The flag raised for the volleyball team was in honor of their success in the end of their season, making it to the round of 16 in the NAIA national tournament. This achievement was quite the feat, considering the Frontier Conference was evenly stacked all around, and that the Lady Orediggers did not start the season as strong as they could have. The volleyball team had to battle hard throughout the season to get where they ended up. Their 4 fantastic seniors—Bailie Cortner, Kenzie Bauck, Angie Pancost and Jordan Danz—were sure one of the reasons the team had tremendous success. The banner that now hangs in the gym makes for a great way for future Lady Orediggers to be inspired and hopeful for their future seasons.
So next time you walk through the doors of the Montana Tech gymnasium, look up once you sit in the crowd, and see the two new banners that hang above you. These banners hang along with many others, showing how a school like Montana Tech can be successful in something other than creating the best students and contributors to society around.